Sunday, December 27, 2009

Levi's 1st Christmas

Hello Everyone!

Well - we had our first Christmas with Levi & it was a hit. Levi woke up around 8 Christmas morning... He ate and then we got up. We went down stairs and saw that Levi must have been a good boy this year because Santa had come to visit. We got Levi all set up on a blanket in the floor and his boppy. We proceeded to show him everything... :) he did really well. Santa brought some kind of educational toys... he got a little laptop and piano as well as some balls of all shapes and sizes - a football too!!!. He also got a cool zoo toy that has a joystick that he can use to move a little monkey around. It sings real loud and everything! Levi also got a cool buckaroo outfit from Mrs Fran at Mommy's work & some money from J9 at Mommy's work too. His little buddy Ian & Ian's parents gave him a ring stacker ... you know the one that you pile the rings from biggest to smallest ... It was a hit too. Mr John & Mrs Jess gave him an Exersaucer. He loves it! It has so many things for him to play with. He has some more stuff coming from Pensacola but the mail system was a little bogged down with the holidays, so we'll be doing Christmas again later (tomorrow probably!). :)

He was worn out and we were too, so we took a little nap after all of that. After the nap, we started on dinner ... we had turkey breast, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. It was all delicious!!!.

It was a great day and pretty tiring too. Levi did real well and played with all of his new stuff

Grannie Faye had sent us some Christmas PJs and we all looked very cute. Here is Levi in his outfit enjoying his new toys... (oh yeah... and he got a cute little hat too!)

Levi's first Christmas was wonderful - we enjoyed the time spent together. Wish we could have been home for the Holidays, but maybe next year.

Love to all of y'all!

Joey - Lacey & Levi!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

4 months old & croupy

Mr Levi turned 4 months old on December 2nd and did it with croup. :-(

He woke up December 1st sounding hoarse. He sounded so pitiful, but seemed okay. I fed him and put him back to bed.... I told his daddy that he didn't sound too good. He went to daycare that day and when I picked him up, Mrs Sheena said his cough sounded like a bark. I heard it on the way home & called the pediatricians office from the car. The nurse lady (Artis) started telling me all sorts of stuff to do then asked how far away I was from the office. Only 15 minutes was my reply. So she said we could come on in. I got Joey and away we went. I know she was only trying to educate me, but it gets kind of scary when they tell you all the things you need to be looking for. The Dr checked him over real good and said that he looked good, but yes - he has croup. Poor little man. He sounded so pitiful!

We went home and babied the baby. We sat with him in the bathroom a couple of times with the hot shower going big time. It was like being in a sauna. He was really sweet and just looked at us like "what's up with all this". Not fussy or anything. He had had a cool air humidifier in his room, but we switched it out for a warm air one to help with the breathing. He did have a little bit of a rough night, but we made it through just fine. We decided to keep him home on Wednesday. I got up, showered, dressed and left for work. I didn't get far. I thought - this is crazy, my son has croup & I have the ability to work from home - why am I going to work? So ... I turned the corner and just drove around the block and pulled back into our driveway. I did work from home. I had a presentation that I had to give the next day and I still needed to get it finished up. Basically, Joey watched our little sick man, I worked and fed him when he needed it. He did pretty good. He has a really a sweet disposition. It worries me sometimes because I am afraid that he won't really communicate when he is feeling badly, but most everyone reasures me that I'll know.

Last night after he laid down, I did too. I heard him on the monitor a couple hours later and just as I was getting up, Joey came in and told me to sleep - he would take care of him. He did too. he did a great job & I got some good rest. Joey is great how he helps out with our little man. I couldn't be happier with the two of them.
He went to daycare today and it was hard on me. I worried that something would happen and they wouldn't notice. But ... he was fine & when we picked him up, he was his same sweet self. Tonight (Thursday) he was doing his little talking thing and he didn't sound as raspy and hoarse, so I think he is on the mend. He is a little conjested, so we are still doing the saline little noses spray.

So for now - he is doing okay. He is 4 months old and still a little croupy, but seems happy.
We are scheduled to go to the Dr for his 4 month checkup and shots on Saturday. I think he will be well enough to go. We are excited to see how much he's grown & if he can start rice cereal or not. He has started really paying attention to us when we eat or drink, so he might be ready for a little something more than Mommas Milk.

Here's a picture of him today... look how dang cute he is.

Love from the Hardwicks!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It is finished!

So - A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that my quilting juices were dried up.... Well, yesterday, I told Joey I was going to get Levi's quilt done before I go back to work on Monday. Yesterday, I looked up how to bind a quilt online & found a couple of really good blog pages that laid it out real well. I started trying to do it yesterday, but the original light green satin fabric that I was going to use was toooooo difficult to work with. So Joey suggested I use some black/white checkerboard material that I had. I didn't even think twice.... just about every baby toy has black and white on it somewhere so it just seemed appropriate to do! This morning I let Joey sleep in a little and Levi and I came down stairs and started working on it. I cut the material into two strips & then once Levi was sleeping, I pressed it and got it all ready. Later, once Joey was awake I got to doing the rest of it. Joey worked on the Christmas lights and I worked on the binding. We set up the little box thing that Levi does so well in & he hung out with Mommy while Daddy did the outside stuff. He played real well for a while then fell asleep. I got it just about all the way done, then he woke up. Joey played with him for a while so I could finish it up.
I am super pleased with how it turned out.
I took a little quilting class this past spring & the design is called a split rail. We didn't know if we were having a boy or girl at the time, so I tried to find neutral fabrics, but once I got it all put together, it seemed a little on the famine side... So putting the b/w checkerboard seems to BOY it up good! & Let's not forget the quilting I put into it. For the squares, I just quilted straight lines, but on the boarder I quilted cars & trucks on two sides and flames on the other two sides.
I still have to label Levi's quilt. That will require me writing on a piece of fabric something like for Levi George Hardwick, hand quilted with love by your Momma - finished 11/2009. Then apply it to the back.
Here is a picture or two or four of it. :-)

As you can see in some of the pictures, Joey had the Christmas lights out. He was able to get the Christmas lights up on the outside of the house today. He did a great job. Here is a picture or two of his work!...

We also had a great Thanksgiving this year. John & Jess invited us over to their place for dinner with their families. We got to meet Abby (Jess' daughter) & both sets of their parents - all real nice people. It was great. We had turkey, stuffin and all the other fixens. Levi was very good & the timing was perfect that he was asleep when it was time for us to eat. We had him looking real cute, but forgot to take a picture! While it was wonderful to spend the holiday with friends, it wasn't like being back home in Pensacola. I commented, that if we had been at one of our parents house a nap would have definitely followed dinner! But it was good & we are thankful to have a good group of friends here.

Friday after Thanksgiving it was in the 60's and a beautiful day, so we loaded Levi and the stroller up and went for a nice walk around the lake at Clement Park. Levi was asleep for most of it, but it was nice to get out in the fresh air!

Levi turns 4 months old on Wednesday & goes for his 4 month checkup on Saturday. We'll post again with his stats after weigh in on Saturday! Also - we'll see if he can start eating something besides milk at that time too!

Here's some random photos from the last couple of weeks... He is 17 weeks old today.
One in a highchair that is still to big for him... but he doesn't seem to mind sitting in it from time to time... another in his "toy box" & another taken during a "tummy time" moment.

Okay - so that's it for now. He's ready to eat.

We love all y'all & we miss you too. Wish we could be home during the Holidays, but we'll make it before too much longer.

On a quick - little different note - Both of our Dads are not in the best of shape these days. Mine is in the hospital right now & Joey's has a mix of good and bad days. Prayers are good.

Love & kisses from the Hardwicks! --- J, L & L

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grocery store story

Hello all,

This was too sweet not to share. Yesterday, Joey & I picked Levi up from daycare and decided to make a quick run to the grocery store. We think it was his first time in the grocery store (he's been to walmart, but that isn't the same).
At any rate, we stop by the deli and Joey picked up some chicken for dinner, while he was waiting he suggested that Levi and I go ahead and pick up some salad. We are making our way down the produce section and this little old man asks me what I have there in my buggy.... I tell him - I have a sweet bundle of joy. He asks if he can see him. I say sure! This man and his wife stop and visit with Levi. They were a very cute and sweet older couple. We were trying to get Levi to look at them, but he had his eyes on something else... Finally I turn his head and he looks at them. The man asks if he can talk to Levi - he says to me "I am not a preacher, just a grandpa" then he leans in and talks real sweet to Levi, he says "I pray that you will grow up happy, healthy and strong and when you are big enough that you will pray for peace in this world"... Levi then smiled the prettiest smile. At this time, Joey walks up and we all visit for a minute. The man tells us he is 87 years old and has lived a good life but he worries about the state of the world today. This encounter really made our day. We wish that we had gotten their names so we could keep in touch with them and take Levi to seem them every once and a while. Maybe we will run into them again in the produce isle!

So I close this with a prayer that all of you are Happy & Healthy and that we'll all pray for peace in this world.
Thanksgiving is next week. Take time to really appreciate those around you (family and friends).
Love, love & Love

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dirty hands...

Well... A lot has been going on over the last couple of weeks.
Joey had a little cold or something for a couple of days, then I caught it and held on to it for way too long. I am just now getting to feeling pretty good again.

Little Levi got it too... just a little it seems. Beginning Thursday night he started waking up in the middle of the night again - he's still doing it - we think maybe he is either going through a growing spurt or his little cold is bothering him. On Thursday too, his left eye starting weeping a little. On Saturday I took him to the pediatrician and he gave us some drops for his eye. It already looks a ton better (it was never bad). He also got weighed and he weighed in at 14 lbs 8 1/2 oz (with clothes on). He's been a little stuffy too. We got a humidifier a couple of weeks ago and I think it helps.

Levi has been talking up a storm lately. He just goes on and on saying stuff and we think it is pretty important. He really raises his voice sometimes to make sure we are paying attention. He really is growing. Daddy (Joey) has been showing him how to roll over from his back to his tummy and then have some tummy time. He's stays propped up on his elbows pretty good and looks around. He checks out the other baby in the mirror too! ;-) He hasn't figured out how to push himself up with his hands, but that will come in time.

Last Monday Levi came home with a dirty hand. I was feeding him, checking him over like I do & noticed his finger nails were dirty. I was a little perturbed. I thought what in the world did daycare let him get in to. He's a baby! He shouldn't be getting dirty yet!!!. It was in the cracks of his nails where the nail meets the finger. I told Joey I was really tempted to call the daycare to find out what it was.... I was thinking poop or something (ick). Joey told me not to call and to quit worrying... just to let it go. Well... the next day, I go to pick him up & one of the girls says to me "want to see one of the cutest things ever" - I think to myself --- hey lady - I'm holding him! :) ... but really, she shows me a little turkey that they had made the day before! It's his little hand and it's painted brown. It was precious! I told her ... oh that's why his hand was all dirty. They appologized and I learned a lesson. Try not to panic and think the worse. Also - you never know what kind of suprise is waiting for you - so just take it easy & if it isn't hurting him, don't stress over it! That is his first little art project and once they are done with it at the daycare - you can bet it is going to go on our fridge!

We did a little 3 month photo shoot a couple of weeks ago too... here's just one of the pictures ...
enjoy :)

On to other news. Joey got laid off this past Thursday. Crescent had to down size and he and some others were the casulty of it. Joey is working on staying positive. He has already filed for unemployment, made some contacts and distributed some resumes. Things will work out just as they should and we will be just fine.

Well... my head hurts a little Levi is waking up from a little nap. Maybe he'll sleep through the night tonight (like he used to).

We love y'all...

Lacey & Joey & Levi too!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

3 months old

My blogging juices are dried up, much like my quilting juice! I started a quilt for Levi many months ago. Just a couple of weeks ago, I finally got all the quilting done on it. Now it sits, waiting for me to sew the boarder on. Boarders are tough for me anyway ... and I am wanting to put a satin boarder on this one, so I am scared of it! Anyway... I will be tackling it soon. I want him to have it before he turns a year old! :)

By the way ... Last Monday he celebrated his 3 month birthday. We went the day before and got pictures of him taken. He did really well. He smiled pretty for the camera and we bought way too many pictures. I'm sure you'll be getting one in your Christmas card!

Levi is still sleeping through the night, most nights. He seems to be well adjusted to day care. Most of the time, he comes home in a good mood & he is always good for Daddy in the mornings.

He was a little m&m for Halloween! Thanks Aunt Tammie for the outfit. He looked just too cute. We didn't take him trick or treating even though Joey wanted to stock up on some candy. Maybe next year.

Levi went to his first birthday party yesterday. It was his buddy Ian's 1st birthday. Levi's timing was such that he was eating when Ian was doing the cake thing so he missed it - but we all had a great time. Mrs Bethany & Mr John (Ians parents) are great people and we always enjoy their company. Levi got Ian a Tow Mater truck that says "well dag gum!"... it was a hit! :)

Here's a smattering of pictures over the last couple of weeks.

We love and miss all of you!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week one at Daycare

Hello -
it's Friday. Our little man has made it through his first week at daycare. (Actually, I haven't picked him up yet, but I did check in on him at lunch time!) I had a rough first couple of days. Joey has dropped him off everyday & I have picked him up. The first day, I couldn't stand it... I went by there about 11:30 to check on him. He was being held by Mrs Sheena and he looked so sweet. He was being a great little boy. I was a crying mess! I did call everyday just to check in and see when he ate last. I had a few days of crying and worrying, but slowly, I got somewhat okay with him being somewhere other than with me. I don't guess that is really true, but I have to let go in order to keep my sanity at work!

He has made some real progress this week... We finally quit keeping socks on his hands ALL the time! We do still do it at night, because I don't want him scratching himself in his sleep! I don't know if it's coincidental or not, but he is really starting to use his hands more. He looks at his hands and watches what they are doing. I don't know if he really realizes that he is in control of them or not! He is getting good at grabbing our fingers and will hold a finger in one hand and a pinkie in the other. He holds his rattle thing & pacifier really well too... It's neat to watch him as he discovers this new ability.

Joey really enjoys his time with Levi in the mornings... says he wakes up in a good mood most days and they spend time talking and getting ready for "school". And, I can't wait to pick him up in the afternoon. He is usually sleeping, but one time ... I walked into him screaming. It wasn't awful though. Quite funny actually. Mrs Sheena had him on the changing table and he wasn't happy. He had just pooped on her twice (I've been there!) & gone through all the spare clothes that we had provided. She was trying to put him in some other spare clothes that they had and he just wasn't happy about it... I don't blame him - He was being put into some strangers clothes. Anyway - it was funny to me. :)

I miss being able to take pictures of him every time he looks cute to me (which is all the dang time!). I would take them with my iPhone and send them to Daddy with sweet little notes. I miss that & I'm sure Joey does too.

It's almost time for me to go get our little man. It has been real hard not to go get him sooner today since I was working from home, but I had some real work that I needed to get done!

I've got to go get our little man so that he is here when Daddy gets home!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

1st Anniversary, Grannie Faye visit & 1st day at day care

Hello All,

Joey & I celebrated our 1st year anniversary last Sunday (10/4). Joey wore his wedding shirt... I couldn't fit in my wedding dress ... maybe next year. We went to Bonefish Grill and had a fabulous dinner. It was nice to be able to talk to each other without any interruption. We talked about the past year and our future. We can't wait to see what is in store for us!

Grannie Faye was in town this past week and it was a great visit. She did an excellent job watching her grandson while I went back to work for the first time. This really helped to ease my anxiety about leaving him! I don't know how she did it, but she managed to take excellent care of Levi & spruce up our house quite a bit! (Thanks Grannie Faye)

My first week at work wasn't terrible. I still have way too many emails in my inbox (over 500), but I will manage to catch up soon.

Joey put little Levi in his walker for the first time the other day ... It is still too big for him, but it was very cute...

Since we had someone in the house with us, we decided it was time to get a "family photo" ... Grannie Faye did an excellent job... Here's just one.

Now tomorrow is a different story. Tomorrow, Levi goes to stay with strangers for the first time. I shouldn't say strangers... He'll be staying at a day care not far from our house. We spent today getting all the supplies he'll need together. Joey will be dropping him off in the morning & I will be picking him up. Levi wrote a little note to the daycare workers to let them know what his "routine" is like. Hope they take good care of him!

We love all of y'all. Levi is stirring & hungry, so I must go...

Love, love, love

Monday, October 5, 2009

Levi - 2 month checkup

Hello Everyone!

Levi had his 2 month checkup today & he did well.

The nurse checked his weight, length & head circumference.
He weighed in at 12 lbs (60%) - he has gained over 4 pounds since being born.
He measured 24 1/2" long (90%) - he has grown 3 1/2 inches!
His head circumference was 16 cm (70%) - he has a big head like his daddy!
Hopefully he will grow up to be a big boy and play some football for his daddy.

now on for the painful stuff...
He had his 2 month shots - 2 in each leg. I held his arms while the nurses counted down and poked him at the same time. Oh man ... did he let out some screams. Joey & I just looked at each other. Levi actually produced his first tears over those shots. Once we were able to hold him and comfort him he was just fine.
Now ... he definitely was a little more cranky today than normal. I think he was still feeling some definite pain in his legs. Momma is here with us in Denver this week and together we tried to keep him happy the rest of the day. When Joey got home, it was his turn.

Right now he is asleep (or trying to sleep) in his crib.
I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I really need to be trying to sleep too!

Love and kisses to everyone in Pensacola.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How YOU doin?

This is our little man --- propped up on the sofa. He is growing and growing every day. I must take a dozen pictures with my phone everyday.

Tomorrow is Levi's 2 month birthday. It's crazy to think about how quickly the time has flown by. I'll be going back to work next week - so my Momma (Grannie Faye) is coming in to town to watch him for a week. This way, we don't have to leave him at day care so soon. When he does get to day care he will be 10 weeks old. I have worries about them not paying enough attention to him, but there are plenty of adults out there that grew up in day care and they are functioning just fine (I think!).

We go for Levi's 2 month check up on Monday. They will be giving him some of his shots then. I have some anxiety about that, but I'm sure all will be fine. I will be working from home that day, so that I can help my Momma if he is a little fussy. Wouldn't want her first day home alone with him to be a rough one.

Sunday is mine & Joey's (proper English - I don't know...) 1 year wedding anniversary. We plan on going to dinner. I feel so blessed to have found this wonderful man to spend my life with and to be raising our son with. God put us together and I am thankful for that. I look forward to each day with the two wonderful men in my life. I look forward to seeing how Levi turns out ... he has a great role model in his Daddy for how to see life in a positive light, how to love & and how to live.

Levi is waking up now - from a little mini nap (wish they were longer). I must be going.

Love and Kisses to all in Pensacola. We miss you ... wish you could see this little man sooner. I think we will be making it back home to Pensacola in the Spring time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

First Real Bath

As mentioned in my previous post ... Levi had his first bath a week or so ago. Here are some cute pictures from the event!!! Enjoy...

Love and Kisses from Team Hardwick

Thursday, September 24, 2009

7 hours!

Hi everyone!!!

Night before last, Mr Levi slept a little over 7 hours, then last night he slept very close to 8! Crazy stuff. He is just over 7 weeks old. This is how happy he was about his sleep today...

We all send our love

picture was taken with my phone, so it is a little blurry when you click on it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Levi Update

First Dr Visit - Aug 6th
Hanging out with Dad - Aug 7th - 5 days old
Aug 8th - sleeping on Daddy
Aug 28th - almost 4 weeks old
Aug 30th - 4 weeks old!
Aug 31st - we keep socks on his hands a lot of the time - at least when he is sleeping so that he doesn't tear his sweet little face up!
Sept 15 - 6 weeks - showing off his flame vans that Uncle Michael got him - he looks especially long in this shot.

Hello All,

It has been a while since I posted - I apologize for that. I have to say that when I think about blogging (because Levi is asleep) he starts stirring - just like he is now.
I will do my best to update you on how Levi is doing and also share some of the thoughts I have had in the past 6 1/2 weeks. Levi is almost 7 weeks old now. (he'll be seven weeks on Sunday the 20th).

Life is good and is even better now that we have this little miracle in our lives. Every day is something new. I have been trying to write down little things as I think of them, but it's tough, cause it is usually when I am breast feeding!

Here are some random things....
- He started sleeping about 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours at about 5 weeks - not consistently though. I guess he thinks he is a big boy now and doesn't need to eat every 2 1/2 hours at night! The first time it happened, it worried me... I was tempted to go wake him up (because I was up!!), but I didn't and now his long stretches are getting longer.

-Levi started sleeping in his own room and crib within a week of bringing him home I think. I know it was before Grannie Faye came to visit. He slept in a pack and play in the room with us, but we could hear everything and it was hard for us to get sleep. He transitioned just fine into his own room and crib. The monitor we have is great. We can wake up in the night and see him and know that he is okay!

- He lost most of his umbilical cord on his 5 week birthday(Sunday) ... but not all of it. This was a concern for me because what was left seemed to be oozing a little. Not much at all, but I still took Mr. Levi to the Dr. on Wednesday. What was left was barely hanging on, so the Dr went ahead and removed it (with my permission --- we wanted to be able to bathe this boy sometime!)
When the Dr removed the rest, he noticed a little red area in his navel. This was an umbilical granuloma (collection of cells) and needed a little treatment. The treatment consisted of silver nitrate. The Dr explained that it would turn gray so not to be alarmed. Well the next day Joey and I washed it with soap and water like we were supposed to, but there was still some discoloration around his navel. This wasn't washing off and it really concerned me. Well, by the time Friday rolled around, I was good an anxious about it and packed little Levi up to go back to the Dr (the physician assistant told us to come in!). Anyway... the other Dr said that this wasn't anything to worry about - that it would EVENTUALLY wear off. What! ---
Well I talked to my Mom about it and she wasn't loving the idea of it, but Uncle Michael shared with her that they used Silver Nitrate on the oil rigs and that it doesn't take that long to wear off. It is already almost gone ... worried for nothing!

- We play at "Hanks Garage" most every day. This is a little play thing that his 2nd Cousin Autumn gave him & he seems to like it - most of the time! --- we also do a little bit of "tummy time" ... this is meant to build up his neck (and arm muscles eventually). He can turn his head from side to side just fine.

-We were reluctant to give him a pacifier ... but there was one night that he just wasn't going to sleep. We think that he had gotten over tired and was fighting sleep. So we tried everything we knew to do, then Joey suggests the pacifier.... eeewww... I don't know ... I don't want him to get addicted!... Well - we did use it and it worked & I don't think he is addicted. We use it every once in a while when it really seems like nothing else will work.

-When Levi was born -- he looked a lot like a little old man.
He was kind of skinny and wrinkly. Well ... he is starting to plump up a little. He is still long and lean, but his legs are getting that little extra bit of plump that we all love in babies.

-There have been times when I have sang Hush Little Baby about 40 times in a row ... I also sing some Toby Keith songs (Baddest Boots, Big Ol Truck & Blue Moon)

-Joey figured out that Levi likes music... One night when we were having a time with him going to sleep and the pacifier wasn't cutting it, Joey brought him down into the den and cranked up the country music channel... Joey propped him up on himself and some blankets… we listened to country music TV and we sang along. This seemed to soothe him. It was funny – there was a time when Joey started laughing & I asked him --- are you delirious? He said no --- Mommy needs a karaoke machine (I was getting all the words wrong!) --- it was very cute and we had a good laugh over it. It worked! Mr Levi got relaxed and was able to get to sleep.

-Joey is a great Dad - he helps me out all the time & loves Levi to pieces. He takes extra time with him when he changes his diapers to play with him. He talks to him a lot & shows and tells him how to spell his name. He gets Levi cooing big time - it is such a sweet scene to walk in on. He also helps out big time on those evenings when Levi doesn't really want to go to sleep just yet. We take turns trying to figure out what will make Mr Levi happy. He also lays down in Levi's room when I am feeding him and just hangs out with us. It's nice to have Daddy in the room with us.
Aug 5th - 3 days old Sept 6th - 5 weeks old - loving his Daddy! Sept 12 - just shy of 6 weeks old.

-Last Sunday, Joey really encouraged me to get out of the house for a bit so that he and Levi could have "man" day... So I did. I went to a movie and had a nice time - unfortunately, I got a little funky when I got home - I think I felt guilty for going off. It only lasted a little bit & I really appreciated my husband for giving me some time to myself.

-There are times when I think I am all business with Levi - you know change his diapers, feed him, lay him down to nap... but really - I know I am not.

-Joey and I have had dinner together on most nights since Levi was born. I thought we wouldn't be able to, but I think there has been only a night or two that we couldn't. It's nice to continue to share time together.

-Levi & I have gone to see Daddy for lunch a couple of times and he does really well on on those outings.

-Levi had his first real bath last night. We had to wait until the umbilical cord had fallen off & we just got the okay from the Dr yesterday. The bath was fun! At first - Levi didn't know what to think of it - but he got to liking it pretty quick. Joey did the washing and I did the drying. Levi's little behind got stuck to the tub thing so we learned that next time we need to put a little wash cloth under his bottom. Levi is a trooper & he slept like a baby ;)

-I wrote a lot about nights when Levi wouldn't go to sleep ... made it sound like it was often. I think there have been a handful days in total. Not bad!

-He's had a few visitors & several neighbors and friends have brought over meals for us. We are very thankful to have had those meals. Joey probably wouldn't get to eat if not for them. I tried this website that had a meal for 8 weeks and the recipies... I did it for a total of 4 days. I just really am not a cooker. I better get it together though, because little Levi won't be breastfeeding forever! The visits have been wonderful too. We also went over to John & Jess's house one Saturday. That was his first outing like that (we were gone for 6 hours) & he did great!!!

-Levi lived in these little white onesies for a long time, but now he is starting to wear some of the cute outfits that we received. He can wear 3 month old clothes now! They are a little big on him, but dang he's cute!

-Momma & I went to a garage sale while she was here and we saw a radio flier bicycle with training wheels... Of course we had to pick it up! - Levi will be on it before too long!

-I just read him this blog and it put him to sleep - hope it doesn't do the same for y'all!!!

We love and miss all of you in Pensacola!!! Love to the Grannies(Linda Faye & Mary), Great Grannie Dorothy & Pa

I know I have missed a ton of things ... but I'll try to do better. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Levi George - born 8/2/09

Today - Levi is 10 days old ... I wanted to try to write down the story of when Levi was born & the things we felt leading up to, during and after his birth... (this is going to be a long one) *** When I started this - Levi was 10 days old - I didn't finish it until today - he is 3 weeks and 1 day today. -- It is random and not as packed with how we were feeling and what we were thinking as I had hoped it would be.

On Saturday, August 1st, I woke up wanting to go to the Waffle House for breakfast. Joey, being the wonderful husband that he is, was up for it, so we got dressed and ready to go. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I started peeing my pants and I couldn't stop it! I ran back up the stairs to the rest room telling Joey that I couldn't stop it, I couldn't stop it!!! Joey came up asking if my water had broken. I wasn't sure so I just put on some more pants and said we'll see. We waited around the house for a bit and I was still leaking some. We called the on call Dr and she wasn't convinced, since I wasn't having contractions. So -- off to the Waffle House we went.

We had a good breakfast, but things were still a little "messy" so instead of going to the BMX picnic and swap meet we went ahead and went back home. It wasn't obvious that if my water had broken so I just rested on the sofa. Joey mowed the yard and about 7 pm I decided to call the Dr again, explaining that I think that it really had broken - still no contractions! She said to go on to the hospital - so off we went.

Walking to the car, I told Joey to be prepared that this probably was a false alarm and he said to just look at it like a practice run if that is what it turned out to be. But... it could be real! We stopped at Mc Donalds for a little dinner because we had been told that once you get to the hospital ... no food for you! After visiting the drive through, we called our parents just to let them know what was going on. They were very excited, but I reminded them, that it could be just a leaky bladder!

We got to the hospital about 8:15 pm and was told to get in a robe. I just expected a little exam, but they get you all the way ready... just in case. We were set up in a labor and delivery room then the nurse did her test of my fluid. She said ... It's looking positive. I think my eyes must have been the size of saucers. I believe I said something like "really - positive - my water broke". She said "yes". Oh wow!!! Joey and I were totally excited and glad we brought everything!

The only problem with all of this, is that I wasn't having contractions and there wasn't any signs of softening or dilation. So they were going to have to give me something to help with all that. They did and we called our parents again to let them know that they would have a grandson by sometime on Sunday!

We then tried to get some rest. I think rest is a four letter word to the hospital! They just wont let you do it! Not to mention, Joey and I realized that it wasn't a practice run and the next time we went home, it would be with our little baby boy. Oh the love and excitement we felt.

I don't remember the times for everything --- more just the sequence of events.

I think late Saturday night they inserted something that was to help get things softened up. Then early early Sunday they started me on Petosin (used to help encourage contractions). I then started having contractions. They weren't much to speak of at first ( just mild cramps), but by about 3:30 or 4 in the morning, I started really feeling them and was focusing on a spot on a tray by my bed. At one point they measured and I was only about a centimeter dilated and I remember thinking - oh goodness - will our baby get here before the end of Sunday.

I breathed through some pretty rough contractions for about 2 hours. Breathing, looking a Joey and staring at the green visitor sticker on his shirt. I remember the one nurse making me feel like I was being wimpy by asking about an epidural. She reminded me that I had only measured at 1 cm (but really how long ago had that been???). The contractions were about 2 minutes apart most of the time & lasting about 30 to 45 seconds. They weren't killing me - so - I kept on. Joey was great during all of this. I know it must have really hurt him to see me in the pain I was in. To get up and go to the restroom was tough! Finally about 10:30 ish a nurse came in that said I didn't have to be in pain, so we agreed to get the epidural done. Within about 30 minutes the man was there to do the job.

The paperwork for the epidural was scary, but all things have their risks and they have to tell you the most remote of possibilities. The man that did it was very nice & explained everything that he was going to do. I had to sit on the edge of the bed and Joey & a nurse held my legs as I bent over a pillow. It was imperative that I not move, even when the next contractions came. This was an uncomfortable position to be in, but there was no way I was going to move. The procedure didn't hurt & it went really well.

Oh goodness --- what a difference! There was almost instant relief. I was able to have a contraction, yet not stress over it coming. They measured right after the epidural and I was at 3 to 4 cm. So - that wasn't too bad of timing for getting the epidural after all! Progress!!

The afternoon went on. I encouraged Joey to go get some lunch & I proceeded with trying to get some of that 4 letter word that the hospital encourages you to get, but wont allow you to have. When Joey got back he tried to do the same.

Oh - The one nurse we had - we weren't loving too much so we were glad when she let us know that another would be taking over since she had another patient getting close to delivering. The new nurse, we liked a lot and she made us feel like she cared about us!! She checked in on us regularly and kept an eye on Levi's vitals. At one point she explained that when I would have a contraction that the baby's heart rate would drop but then quickly recover. They weren't super concerned but kept a close eye on it.

She would move me from side to side every 45 minutes or so. This is because an epidural will gravitate to one point, so we had to keep me moving. Seems like the baby was more happy when I was on my left side, so I did stay there most of the time.

I think around 2, they measured again and I was at 6cm! Yay --- more progress and no pain!

At some point they decided to put a monitor inside with the baby so the could better monitor how he was doing, the strength of my contractions & also use it as a pump to put more fluid back where he was living. After all, it had been more than 24 hours since my water broke.

Around 5, I think - she explained that I was having some very strong contractions and measured again. I was at 9 1/2 cm!!! (10 was were we needed to be to have a baby!!). She said to me " we are going to have this baby before I go home at 7!) Mercy! The excitement I felt. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. You know - you get pregnant, are pregnant for 9 months, yet it doesn't feel "real". It really is something! I asked if we needed to wake Joey up. Not yet.

She explained that when it felt like I had to have a BM all the time - not just during contractions - then we would be ready to go.

About 5:15 - Joey was awake now - and we were talking about how this is really going to happen! About 5:30 - I told the nurse that the urge was there!

Somewhere in all of this, they had let the Dr know my status. Around 5:45 the nurse said okay - we are gong to try to push to see how you'll do. She then told Joey that she needed his help. We both thought she needed him to get something for her - but the help she needed was much more than that! She asked him to hold my foot against his chest like she was doing & then gave my my instructions ... To take a deep breath hold it for 10 then repeat 3 times thought he contraction. Joey did great & I did my part. She measured and the baby's head was right there!!!

Oh wow! So then it was on! It was just the 3 of us for about 30 minutes or so. Joey would tap my leg for the counts of 10 and I focused on a red switch straight ahead of me. Joey could see the head and all the hair that he had. I could feel the contractions coming and I would let them know. Then we would push. It was hard for me to get through the 3rd set of 10 - but I gave it all I had! I felt quite a bit of it, but nothing like what it could have been.

Then the Dr came in, saw where we were with the progress and got cleaned up. They started "breaking the bed" getting ready for this miracle to arrive. In the mean time, I continued pushing.

Over all, the pushing lasted about an hour. There was one point where in the middle of everything, I realized I could see part of his head in the visor thing that the Dr had on. How strange to see. I then started pushing continuously, contractions or not, because it was time for little Levi to be here. Once his little head was out - they noticed that the cord was around his neck - (this explained the changes in his heart rate when I would have contractions) They were able to get it out from around his neck then his little body came out easy! whew! 6:49 pm on 8/2/09

They took him right away to have the NICU nurses examine and suction (I didn't mention it earlier, but there was merconium - so they wanted to make sure that he didn't ingest it). He was doing fine! I could hear him and it was amazing. I think Joey just said Wow & I said "we did it!" They finished up with me and Levi & then Joey handed him to me to hold. Oh how sweet. I'll never be able to explain the joy and love I felt. He had the prettiest face and his hands were so white! He weighed in at 7 lbs 10.5 oz and 21 inches long. Healthy!

I tell you... throughout my pregnancy, I always thought that a cecarian(sp) was in my future. I never really talked about it, but I thought there would be some "complication" or that I just wouldn't be able to do it the other way. But I was able to and I am so glad for it.

We took pictures and called our parents again to let them know they were grandparents (one for the first time and others again). My momma (grannie faye) thought that the crying she heard was Joey messing with her. Once she realized it was her grandson, I don't think she could stand it - she wanted to be here that minute. I don't think I actually talked to Joeys parents the day that Levi was born, but his Momma (grannie mary) left me a voice mail within the next few days that was very sweet - she was thanking me for having Levi.

I haven't been able to recall or capture all the conversations we had during that weekend, but I do know that there was so much love in that room. Joey was a great source of strength for me & we (Levi & I) are so very very blessed to have him in our life.

Yesterday Levi was 3 weeks old. Joey and I finally watched the video of Levi's birth --- commentary on that will have to be on another post.

I know this was long & I apologize for that - but I wanted to get what I could remember down, before I forgot it!

We love all of you & miss you. Wish we could be home in Pensacola for all of our family and friends to meet this sweet little angel. We will make it home as soon as we can.

Love love love --- Team Hardwick (Joey, Lacey & Levi)
We love you Levi

Monday, August 3, 2009

WOW!!!! our new member of team Hardwick!! Levi George.

Our little man was born on 8/2/09 at 7:00pm and he was 7lbs 11oz and 21in long. Lacey is so awesome!! She handled the whole thing very well. I am so proud and Lucky to have a great woman like her. (Levi is too)

I only have a few minutes to put this up because I just ran home to get it ready, and pick up a few things.

Lacey and Levi are resting good and are doing great.

We are at Rose Hospital in Denver, Co room # 358 on the 3rd floor. We will be coming home I think Tuesday evening.

Well I am going to get back to the Hospital. We will put up some more when we get a chance.

Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers!!