Levi had his 2 month checkup today & he did well.
The nurse checked his weight, length & head circumference.
He weighed in at 12 lbs (60%) - he has gained over 4 pounds since being born.
He measured 24 1/2" long (90%) - he has grown 3 1/2 inches!
His head circumference was 16 cm (70%) - he has a big head like his daddy!
Hopefully he will grow up to be a big boy and play some football for his daddy.
now on for the painful stuff...
He had his 2 month shots - 2 in each leg. I held his arms while the nurses counted down and poked him at the same time. Oh man ... did he let out some screams. Joey & I just looked at each other. Levi actually produced his first tears over those shots. Once we were able to hold him and comfort him he was just fine.

Right now he is asleep (or trying to sleep) in his crib.
I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I really need to be trying to sleep too!
Love and kisses to everyone in Pensacola.
1 comment:
Sorry the shots went so bad, but I knew that baby was right on target with his weight. He makes Ian like a pipsqueek. Ian has never been over the 50th % in anything! Good job Momma!
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