I am super pleased with how it turned out.
I took a little quilting class this past spring & the design is called a split rail. We didn't know if we were having a boy or girl at the time, so I tried to find neutral fabrics, but once I got it all put together, it seemed a little on the famine side... So putting the b/w checkerboard seems to BOY it up good! & Let's not forget the quilting I put into it. For the squares, I just quilted straight lines, but on the boarder I quilted cars & trucks on two sides and flames on the other two sides.
I still have to label Levi's quilt. That will require me writing on a piece of fabric something like for Levi George Hardwick, hand quilted with love by your Momma - finished 11/2009. Then apply it to the back.
Here is a picture or two or four of it. :-)
As you can see in some of the pictures, Joey had the Christmas lights out. He was able to get the Christmas lights up on the outside of the house today. He did a great job. Here is a picture or two of his work!...
We also had a great Thanksgiving this year. John & Jess invited us over to their place for dinner with their families. We got to meet Abby (Jess' daughter) & both sets of their parents - all real nice people. It was great. We had turkey, stuffin and all the other fixens. Levi was very good & the timing was perfect that he was asleep when it was time for us to eat. We had him looking real cute, but forgot to take a picture! While it was wonderful to spend the holiday with friends, it wasn't like being back home in Pensacola. I commented, that if we had been at one of our parents house a nap would have definitely followed dinner! But it was good & we are thankful to have a good group of friends here.
Friday after Thanksgiving it was in the 60's and a beautiful day, so we loaded Levi and the stroller up and went for a nice walk around the lake at Clement Park. Levi was asleep for most of it, but it was nice to get out in the fresh air!
Levi turns 4 months old on Wednesday & goes for his 4 month checkup on Saturday. We'll post again with his stats after weigh in on Saturday! Also - we'll see if he can start eating something besides milk at that time too!
Here's some random photos from the last couple of weeks... He is 17 weeks old today.
One in a highchair that is still to big for him... but he doesn't seem to mind sitting in it from time to time... another in his "toy box" & another taken during a "tummy time" moment.
Okay - so that's it for now. He's ready to eat.
We love all y'all & we miss you too. Wish we could be home during the Holidays, but we'll make it before too much longer.
On a quick - little different note - Both of our Dads are not in the best of shape these days. Mine is in the hospital right now & Joey's has a mix of good and bad days. Prayers are good.
Love & kisses from the Hardwicks! --- J, L & L
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