Friday, October 16, 2009

Week one at Daycare

Hello -
it's Friday. Our little man has made it through his first week at daycare. (Actually, I haven't picked him up yet, but I did check in on him at lunch time!) I had a rough first couple of days. Joey has dropped him off everyday & I have picked him up. The first day, I couldn't stand it... I went by there about 11:30 to check on him. He was being held by Mrs Sheena and he looked so sweet. He was being a great little boy. I was a crying mess! I did call everyday just to check in and see when he ate last. I had a few days of crying and worrying, but slowly, I got somewhat okay with him being somewhere other than with me. I don't guess that is really true, but I have to let go in order to keep my sanity at work!

He has made some real progress this week... We finally quit keeping socks on his hands ALL the time! We do still do it at night, because I don't want him scratching himself in his sleep! I don't know if it's coincidental or not, but he is really starting to use his hands more. He looks at his hands and watches what they are doing. I don't know if he really realizes that he is in control of them or not! He is getting good at grabbing our fingers and will hold a finger in one hand and a pinkie in the other. He holds his rattle thing & pacifier really well too... It's neat to watch him as he discovers this new ability.

Joey really enjoys his time with Levi in the mornings... says he wakes up in a good mood most days and they spend time talking and getting ready for "school". And, I can't wait to pick him up in the afternoon. He is usually sleeping, but one time ... I walked into him screaming. It wasn't awful though. Quite funny actually. Mrs Sheena had him on the changing table and he wasn't happy. He had just pooped on her twice (I've been there!) & gone through all the spare clothes that we had provided. She was trying to put him in some other spare clothes that they had and he just wasn't happy about it... I don't blame him - He was being put into some strangers clothes. Anyway - it was funny to me. :)

I miss being able to take pictures of him every time he looks cute to me (which is all the dang time!). I would take them with my iPhone and send them to Daddy with sweet little notes. I miss that & I'm sure Joey does too.

It's almost time for me to go get our little man. It has been real hard not to go get him sooner today since I was working from home, but I had some real work that I needed to get done!

I've got to go get our little man so that he is here when Daddy gets home!

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