Joey had a little cold or something for a couple of days, then I caught it and held on to it for way too long. I am just now getting to feeling pretty good again.
Little Levi got it too... just a little it seems. Beginning Thursday night he started waking up in the middle of the night again - he's still doing it - we think maybe he is either going through a growing spurt or his little cold is bothering him. On Thursday too, his left eye starting weeping a little. On Saturday I took him to the pediatrician and he gave us some drops for his eye. It already looks a ton better (it was never bad). He also got weighed and he weighed in at 14 lbs 8 1/2 oz (with clothes on). He's been a little stuffy too. We got a humidifier a couple of weeks ago and I think it helps.
Levi has been talking up a storm lately. He just goes on and on saying stuff and we think it is pretty important. He really raises his voice sometimes to make sure we are paying attention. He really is growing. Daddy (Joey) has been showing him how to roll over from his back to his tummy and then have some tummy time. He's stays propped up on his elbows pretty good and looks around. He checks out the other baby in the mirror too! ;-) He hasn't figured out how to push himself up with his hands, but that will come in time.
Last Monday Levi came home with a dirty hand. I was feeding him, checking him over like I do & noticed his finger nails were dirty. I was a little perturbed. I thought what in the world did daycare let him get in to. He's a baby! He shouldn't be getting dirty yet!!!. It was in the cracks of his nails where the nail meets the finger. I told Joey I was really tempted to call the daycare to find out what it was.... I was thinking poop or something (ick). Joey told me not to call and to quit worrying... just to let it go. Well... the next day, I go to pick him up & one of the girls says to me "want to see one of the cutest things ever" - I think to myself --- hey lady - I'm holding him! :) ... but really, she shows me a little turkey that they had made the day before! It's his little hand and it's painted brown. It was precious! I told her ... oh that's why his hand was all dirty. They appologized and I learned a lesson. Try not to panic and think the worse. Also - you never know what kind of suprise is waiting for you - so just take it easy & if it isn't hurting him, don't stress over it! That is his first little art project and once they are done with it at the daycare - you can bet it is going to go on our fridge!
We did a little 3 month photo shoot a couple of weeks ago too... here's just one of the pictures ...
enjoy :)

On to other news. Joey got laid off this past Thursday. Crescent had to down size and he and some others were the casulty of it. Joey is working on staying positive. He has already filed for unemployment, made some contacts and distributed some resumes. Things will work out just as they should and we will be just fine.
Well... my head hurts a little Levi is waking up from a little nap. Maybe he'll sleep through the night tonight (like he used to).
We love y'all...
Lacey & Joey & Levi too!!!!
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