Today - Levi is 10 days old ... I wanted to try to write down the story of when Levi was born & the things we felt leading up to, during and after his birth... (this is going to be a long one) *** When I started this - Levi was 10 days old - I didn't finish it until today - he is 3 weeks and 1 day today. -- It is random and not as packed with how we were feeling and what we were thinking as I had hoped it would be.
On Saturday, August 1st, I woke up wanting to go to the Waffle House for breakfast. Joey, being the wonderful husband that he is, was up for it, so we got dressed and ready to go. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I started peeing my pants and I couldn't stop it! I ran back up the stairs to the rest room telling Joey that I couldn't stop it, I couldn't stop it!!! Joey came up asking if my water had broken. I wasn't sure so I just put on some more pants and said we'll see. We waited around the house for a bit and I was still leaking some. We called the on call Dr and she wasn't
convinced, since I wasn't having contractions. So -- off to the Waffle House we went.
We had a good breakfast, but things were still a little "messy" so instead of going to the
BMX picnic and
swap meet we went ahead and went back home. It wasn't obvious that if my water had broken so I just rested on the sofa. Joey mowed the yard and about 7 pm I decided to call
the Dr again, explaining that I think that it really had broken - still no contractions! She said to go on to the hospital - so off we went.
Walking to the car, I told Joey to be prepared that this probably was a false alarm and he said to just look at it like a practice run if that is what it turned out to be. But... it could be real! We stopped at
Mc Donalds for a little dinner because we had been told that once you get to the hospital ... no food for you! After visiting the drive through, we called our parents just to let them know what was going on. They were very excited, but I reminded them, that it could be just a leaky
We got to the hospital about 8:15 pm and was told to get in a robe. I just expected a little exam, but they get you all the way ready... just in case. We were set up in a labor and delivery room then the nurse did her test of my fluid. She said ... It's looking positive. I think my eyes must have been the size of saucers. I believe I said something like "really - positive - my water broke". She said "yes". Oh wow!!! Joey and I were totally excited and glad we brought everything!
The only problem with all of this, is that I wasn't having contractions and there wasn't any signs of softening or
dilation. So they were going to have to give me something to help with all that. They did and we called our parents again to let them know that they would have a grandson by sometime on Sunday!
We then tried to get some rest. I think rest is a four letter word to the hospital! They just wont let you do it! Not to mention, Joey and I
realized that it wasn't a practice run and the next time we went home, it would be with our little baby boy. Oh the love and excitement we felt.
I don't remember the times for everything --- more just the sequence of events.
I think late Saturday night they inserted something that was to help get things softened up. Then early early Sunday they started me on
Petosin (used to help encourage contractions). I then started having contractions. They weren't much to speak of at first ( just mild cramps), but by about 3:30 or 4 in the morning, I started really feeling them
and was focusing on a spot on a tray by my bed. At one point they
measured and I was only about a
centimeter dilated and I remember thinking - oh goodness - will our baby get here before the end of
I breathed through some pretty rough contractions for about 2 hours. Breathing, looking a Joey and staring at the green visitor sticker on his shirt. I
remember the one nurse making me feel like I was being wimpy by asking about an epidural. She reminded me that I had only measured at 1 cm (but really how long ago had that been???). The contractions were about 2 minutes apart most of the time & lasting about 30 to 45 seconds. They weren't killing me - so - I kept on. Joey was great during all of this. I know it must have really hurt him to see me in the pain I was in. To get up and go to the restroom was tough! Finally about 10:30
ish a nurse came in that said I didn't have to be in pain, so we
agreed to get
the epidural done. Within about 30 minutes the man was there to do the job.
The paperwork for the epidural was scary, but all things have their risks and they have to tell you the most remote of
possibilities. The man that did it was very nice & explained everything that he was going to do. I had to sit on the edge of the bed and Joey & a nurse held my legs as I bent over a pillow. It was imperative that I not move, even when the next contractions came. This was an uncomfortable
position to be in, but there was no way I was going to move. The procedure didn't hurt & it went really well.
Oh goodness --- what a difference! There was almost instant relief. I was able to have a contraction, yet not stress over it coming. They measured right after the epidural and I was at 3 to 4 cm. So - that wasn't too bad of timing for getting the epidural
after all!
The afternoon went on. I encouraged Joey to go get some lunch & I
proceeded with trying to get some of that 4 letter word that the hospital encourages you to get, but wont allow you to have. When Joey got back he tried to do the same.
Oh - The one
nurse we had - we weren't loving too much so we were
glad when she let us know that another would be taking over since she had another patient getting close to delivering. The new nurse, we liked a lot and she made us feel like she cared about us!! She checked in on us regularly and kept an eye on Levi's vitals. At one point she explained that when I would have a contraction that the baby's heart rate would drop but then quickly recover. They weren't super concerned but kept a close eye on it.
She would move me from side to side every 45 minutes or so. This is because an epidural will gravitate to one point, so we had to keep me moving. Seems like the baby was more happy when I was on my left side, so I did stay there most of the time.
I think around 2, they measured again and I was at 6cm!
Yay --- more progress and no pain!
At some point they decided to put a monitor inside with the baby so the could better monitor how he was doing, the strength of my contractions & also use it as a pump to put more fluid back where he was living. After all, it had been more than 24 hours since my water broke.
Around 5, I think - she explained that I was having some very strong contractions and measured again. I was at 9 1/2 cm!!! (10 was were we needed to be to have a baby!!). She said to me " we are going to have this baby before I go home at 7!) Mercy! The excitement I felt. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. You know - you get pregnant, are pregnant for 9 months, yet it doesn't feel "real". It really is something! I asked if we needed to wake Joey up. Not yet.
She explained that when it felt like I had to have a BM all the time - not just during contractions - then we would be ready to go.
About 5:15 - Joey was awake now - and we were talking about how this is really going to happen! About 5:30 - I told the nurse that the urge was there!
Somewhere in all of this, they had let the Dr know my status. Around 5:45 the nurse said okay - we are gong to try to push to see how you'll do. She then told
Joey that she needed his help. We both thought she needed him to get something for her - but the help she needed was much more than that! She asked him to hold my foot against his chest like she was doing & then gave my my instructions ... To take a deep breath hold it for 10 then repeat 3 times
thought he contraction. Joey did great & I did my part. She measured and the baby's head was right there!!!
Oh wow! So then it was on! It was just the 3 of us for about 30 minutes or so. Joey would tap my leg for the counts of 10 and I focused on a red switch straight ahead of me. Joey could see the head and all the hair that he had. I could feel the contractions coming and I would let them know. Then we would push. It was hard for me to get through the 3rd set of 10 - but I gave it all I had! I felt quite a bit of it, but nothing like what it could have been.
Then the Dr came in, saw where we were with the progress and got cleaned up. They started "breaking the bed" getting ready for this
miracle to
arrive. In the mean time, I continued pushing.
Over all, the pushing lasted about an hour. There was one point where in the middle of everything, I realized I could see part of his head in the visor thing that the Dr had on. How strange to see. I then started pushing continuously, contractions or not, because it was time for little Levi to be here. Once his little head was out - they noticed that the cord was around his neck - (this explained the changes in his heart rate when I would have contractions) They were able to get it out from around his neck then his little body came out easy! whew! 6:49 pm on 8/2/09
They took him right away to have the
NICU nurses examine and suction (I didn't mention it earlier, but there was
merconium - so they wanted to make sure that he didn't ingest it). He was doing fine! I could hear him and it was amazing. I think Joey just said Wow & I said "we did it!" They finished up with me and Levi & then Joey handed him to me to hold. Oh how sweet. I'll never be able to explain the joy and love I felt. He had the prettiest face and his hands were so white! He weighed in at 7 lbs 10.5 oz and 21 inches long. Healthy!
I tell you... throughout my pregnancy, I always thought that a
sp) was in my future. I never really talked about it, but I thought there would be some "complication" or that I just wouldn't be able to do it the other way. But I was able to and I am so glad for it.
We took pictures and called our parents again to let them know they were grandparents (one for the first time and others again). My momma (
grannie faye) thought that the crying she heard was Joey messing with her. Once she realized it was her grandson, I don't think she could stand it - she wanted to be here that minute. I don't think I actually talked to Joeys parents the day that Levi was born, but his Momma (grannie mary) left me a voice mail within the next few days that was very sweet - she was thanking me for having Levi.
I haven't been able to recall or capture all the conversations we had during that weekend, but I do know that there was so much love in that room. Joey was a great source of strength for me & we (Levi & I) are so very very blessed to have him in our life.
Yesterday Levi was 3 weeks old. Joey and I finally watched the video of Levi's birth --- commentary on that will have to be on another post.
I know this was long & I apologize for that - but I wanted to get what I could remember down, before I forgot it!
We love all of you & miss you. Wish we could be home in Pensacola for all of our family and friends to meet this sweet little angel. We will make it home as soon as we can.
Love love love --- Team Hardwick (Joey, Lacey & Levi)
We love you Levi