Well, I sit here today, one day before my 36th birthday, with confirmation of the best birthday present I could ever receive - and I don't believe that it can be topped by a car! Yesterday - Joey and I went to the OB. Our appointment was at 3, but we didn't get out of there until 6 pm (and we had our parents calling us wondering... ) All is well! We got to see our new little precious baby on the monitor - the heart beat was so strong & you could see the little head and arms and body and legs --- amazing! The Dr seemed very pleased with how things were looking & Joey and I are just so danged tickled we can't hardly stand it! So --- we are 10 weeks pregnant today and will not be able to find out the sex of the baby until 20 weeks --- I think that puts us at around March 11th.
So --- as the year ends and the New Year begins, we are looking forward to the healthy growth of our child and are thankful and know we are blessed for the past year that brought us to this point - from falling in love in 2007, to nuturing that love, respect and friendship throughout 2008, getting married in October and finding out we were pregnant the Monday before Thanksgiving to today --- knowing we have a little baby growing with a healthy heart beat... God has blessed us and we are so thankful for His love.