Monday, October 20, 2008

Squirrels like pumpkins too...

I carved a pumpkin over at Dianah's on Friday. It was very cool if I do say so myself. I was very proud of it. I say WAS because some of our lovely little squirrels that we get so much joy and entertainment watching decided to EAT it!!! I carved little daisy like flowers on one side (for me) and flames on the other side (for Joey). ~Yes - I do have a picture, but it is way early right now & I do not want to disturb Joey by getting the camera out... ~ I went outside yesterday and found that a squirrel has eaten one of my flowers! There is a nice big hole there. :( I had put little round balls in the center and it was gone too! Oh well - it was cool while it lasted.

That's about it for the weekend. We were generally under the weather and just took it easy.

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