Wow - Levi will be TWO tomorrow. Two wonderful years have really flown by. Levi is an amazing little boy. A lot has happened in the last year...
Joey was baptized, we joined our church and we also dedicated Levi. We really want to live for God and we want Levi to grow up knowing and loving God. During the dedication we were in front of the church ... Joey was holding him and I was reading to him. He started patting me softly on the back - it was so sweet. I love how he pats us on the back when he hugs.
Levi still doesn't eat very well - He wants to, but he still throws up too often for me. We have an appointment for him at the end of August.
Levi sleeps well most of the time - we go up, sing some songs, pray and then hum a little. Then I ask if he is ready to go night night... he will usually say mmm hmmm - I give him kiss on his forhead and 3 on his pacifier (he still uses it at night and in the car from time to time). I lay him down and he just hangs out in his bed until he falls asleep. He sleeps in till 8:30 or 9 on the weekends! :)
He enjoys "school"... We are trying to teach him to say "miss" in front of his teacher Erikas name. He'll do it sometimes, but then he tries to put "miss" in front of his friends names too and that is funny to me.
He says Peeas for Please. I wasn't good about documenting all his words - what his first ones were, etc. I just know that he can say just about anything you ask him to right now.
In recent days - he is into ribeting and jumping like a frog. Ribet - Ribet - Ribet... It's too funny to see. He Ribeted so big last night that he flipped on over!
Joey and I are doing well ... we both work hard. Joey has recently been riding his bike to work (26.5 miles one way) a day or two a week and is really slimming down. He looks great :)
I mentioned that Levi likes baseball earlier... he does the coolest thing... He gets the bat and sometimes the ball in the same hand then he lifts his leg up like a pitcher would and swings the bat or throws the ball. I've yet to get it on video, but it really is something to see. He enjoys golfing too... he says "get in the hole" and I did it and raises his hands in the air and jumps up and down. Good stuff - great entertainment all the time!
A couple of months ago, Joey took Levi to a car show in the "Hot Rod" (our 1961 Ford Unibody). He thought he was really something sittin up in that truck. They broke down at the show, but that is a different story... but to this day, when he sees a cool car - he'll say "Hot Rod!" It's awesome to to hear it.
We got Levi a little strider bike sometime before Christmas this past year. In recent months he has gotten to where he can reach the ground and he gets around really well on it. He knows to wear his helment. Joey has him jumping things and crossing up BMX style already. We went to WinterPark CO this past weekend for Crankworx. We saw hundreds of bikes and Levi kept saying "my bike, my bike"... It was cool. He was so good during the trip - stayed up till 10 each night but stayed in a good mood through it all. He saw a person dressed up like a monkey, trying to cross a pond on a bike... it really stuck with him because he was telling me all about it this morning over breakfast.
I cannot believe he is going to be 2 - We love him so much and when people tell you that it goes by fast - that is the understatement of the year. It goes by extremely fast and I wish that I had taken more time to write all the little things down. He truely is a wonderful bright spot in our lives and I wouldn't trade a single minute of it. He is precious and loving ... just tonight he was giving us the sweetest kisses... holding our faces with his hands and puckering up real sweet. I don't know where he saw that but it sure made our nights.
I pray that we raise him right - we want him to grow up being loving and respectful, strong and independent.
Happy Birthday to Levi