Today found me turning 37 & I couldn't be happier about it. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband and beautiful, happy, healthy son.
I have a lot that I want to talk about, so this could be sort of random... My apologize in advance! :)
1 - Levi was sick with a fever for a few days after Christmas. It was a very worrisome time for me and for us. He ran a fever as high as 103.5 at times, but tylenol would bring it down to about 100 or 101. He was pretty uncomfortable & kind of fussy for about 3 days. We had to keep him home from day care and it is a real blessing that Joey was able to be home with him. Joey took real good care of Levi while he wasn't feeling the best. On the 3rd day we decided to take him to the Dr. & wouldn't you know it... he was cute, cuddly and all smiles for the Dr. The Dr said that that was common. Parents will either come in on the very first day of a fever or on about the 3 day & usually whatever it was is getting better. Anyhow ... he checked him over - no ear infection or anything like that. Breathing good - heck, he wasn't even running a fever. But just to be safe, the Dr wanted to rule out a urinary tract infection. All clear. So - Levi is good as new again & we don't really know what was wrong. Joey and I suspect teething, but the Drs & nurses say that that high of a temp is not normal for teething. We still suspect teething though. He is back to good as new now & we are real happy about that.
2 - I have had a very nice birthday. We started celebrating yesterday. Since Levi was feeling better and not running a fever anymore, we took him to daycare. I took my last vacation day for the year so Joey & I could spend the day together. We went to breakfast, then to the book store. I picked up a new book & then we headed to the movies. It has been a tradition of mine for a long time to go to a movie on my birthday. Since this was going to be our only day alone, we decided to go a day early. We saw "Blind Side" and it was a great movie. Had me tearing up pretty good at times. After the movie, we went and did a little shopping. I was in desperate need of some new clothes. I have lost all my baby weight (48 lbs), but I am not able to wear the same things I was wearing when I got pregnant. My body has changed shape quite a bit. Anyhow... I have been wearing my maternity clothes & Joey told me it was time to get some new clothes. He is so fun to shop with. He helps me think outside the box and my comfort zone. We picked up several new outfits. Then we picked up our little guy and went home.
Part 2 of my birthday today has been great too! I talked to my Momma, Grannie & my Dad this morning. A lady at my work was getting married today and she invited us to go. Joey & Levi got cleaned up and went too. Levi looked real fresh and cute, but he got a little wiggly just before the ceremony so Joey took him outside. The reception was a nice little one in the basement of the church so I stayed and had some cake. It was sweet- I went to tell Mary that I had to go so I could feed Levi & she said wait -- it's your birthday - I have something for you. How sweet is that... she's getting married & thinking of me on my birthday.
We came home & Joey proceded to make us some dinner and me a birthday cake. It's 9:30 and Levi has been in bed for about an hour. That is a little unusual for him, so I don't know what that will mean for the night, but it gives me an opportunity to update this blog before I fall asleep on the sofa. The cake was delicious... Here's some pictures of the day...
3 - My Grannie turned 80 a couple of days before Christmas. She doesn't get around as good as she used to, but she is still so very sweet & I love her to pieces. I wish I could have been there to celebrate it with her. At my Pensacola baby shower she gave Levi a little silver cup with his initials on it. I asked Joey to take some pictures of Levi with his cup & I sent her a frame and these pictures. I think they are worth sharing here too.
4. You know - I have tried to keep this blog on the lighter side and try to talk about all the good things in my/our lives, but I feel a need to write this down... My Dad is really sick right now. I found out just shortly after Thanksgiving and it has been kind of an emotional time for me. He has stage 4 lung cancer. I know that time for him is short, but we haven't really discussed that. I thought I was going to be going home either last week or this week to see him, but he asked me not to. This was hard for me to accept, but I had to. Although my Dad and I have not been super close all my life, we have always loved each other very much. When I talked to him, he told me that it is his desire that I not come. He said that he wanted me to remember him the way he was when I saw him last. That was last May when we were home. Joey got to meet him then and really liked him. My Dad liked Joey very much too. I think he liked Joey's good southern ways. Anyhow. I have talked to my Dad almost everyday for the last couple of weeks. They are short conversations and they never get too deep, but I am glad that I am able to talk to him. I do wish that I could have gone home to see him, but I believe that he meant it when he asked me not to come. I would have liked for him to get to see Levi in person, but pictures will have to do for now.
5 - I know this is long - I am sorry for that. I will close with this. 2009 was a good year. 2010 will be even better. I have a great family in my family in and Joey's family. I love my husband & I love my son. I believe that having Levi has changed me forever. I never knew how big my heart could swell to the size it has. I was never one to be all mushy over babies, but dang if I don't tear up when I see little ones these days. I now "get it". The love of a child is amazing & just think...the love I feel is only a smidge of love that God has for each of us, his children. Amazing!!!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful 2010.
Love from the Hardwicks!
1 comment:
Happy Belated Birthday to you! It sounds like you had a wonderful day, and I'm glad you and J-Dawg got to spend it together. I think that might be what I'll do for my birthday in August. I have more to say, but I'll email you so it's more personal. We'll have to plan a play date sometime soon. Can you send me those pictures of Levi sitting on the bed in Snapfish? I'd like to get a copy for our fridge. Love him!!
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