I do hope that everyone had a fabulous 4th of July. We sure did. We were mostly lazy, but in the afternoon we grilled us up some burgers and corn on the cob and it was all de'lish!
Later in the evening we headed out ... going to the BMX track to get a view of the fireworks all around town. The BMX track has about the best view of downtown & other areas where fireworks might be displayed. First - we stopped at the icecream shop and got us some ice cream! Yummy ... next stop - BMX track. No go! The park was closed and no trespassing signs posted all over. Joey finally talked me into being willing to break the law and sneak in.... But first, we went to the conveience store right next door to get some water. As I was walking out, a police officer was walking in - I said "good morning" --- What! I was all paranoid! Joey knew that he was walking in and waited to see my face. I told him - no way, we are not going into that park now!!! I've always gotten caught any time I try to do anything wrong. Just doesn't pay! We just laughed and laughed. Probably one of those had to be there moments.
Anyway - we did end up finding a spot to see fireworks and it was very nice.
Last Wednesday was our 36 week mark. We went to the Dr & saw a little guy (LG) on the screen. No doubt about it - we have a boy coming! Dr says everything seems to be on track. The ultrasound estimated that he is at about 6 lbs 4 oz. It was so nice to see him. It helped to confirm what we thought as far as where he is in my belly (his temporary home). He is head down, and his little but in on the right side of my belly. He moves real regular ... when I am relaxing in the evening is when I notice him the most.
We have spent today being lazy again - except that we did get a list of things together that need to be packed for our hospital bags. Joey is packing his bag now. I have a few things in mine, but it isn't ready. We don't anticipate Levi coming early, but it never hurts to be prepared!!!
The Ladies at work had a baby shower for us on June 23rd - It was very nice. They did an Anne Geddes theme & a diaper cake. It was a very nice get together. I am posting a few pictures from it & then some from the shower that we had in Pensacola. I never really did post any pictures from the Pensacola one. I don't have great pictures from the Pensacola / Family shower, but this is what I have.
Then here is a link to the pictures from the work one.
Please click on the links and it should take you to my facebook photo albums.
My greatest and sincere thanks to everyone at both showers. I know that a ton of work went into putting them together & I loved everyone's company. Thanks to everyone, we are closer to being ready for Levi to get here.
Here's a picture of me at 35 weeks. I'm a little bigger than this today! As of today - we have 3 weeks and 3 days until our due date.
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