No ... not talking about bills! :) Past due, would be what our son is. But it is all okay!
I went into work today, just like I have everyday of my pregnancy. I have been feeling well & felt fine & figured I could work right up until labor starts. Well - today I had every other person asking me what was I doing there & for some reason, my emotions wouldn't stay in check so I decided to go back home and work from home the rest of the day and tomorrow. Working remotely really is the best option for me right now & probably for my peers. This creates less stress for them - worrying that I am going to go into labor at work and wondering if they would be able to get me home or to the hospital in time. :) I work with some wonderful people!
Joey & I had our 40 week checkup today with the Dr & it went very well. The Dr did all her checks and she was very pleased with how healthy he is. Evidently they have 4 different things they check that are worth 2 points a piece and our little guy got all 8 points! All ready a star. The 4 things were
1 - the fluid - there was still plenty surrounding him
2 - placenta - still in good shape
3 - finger / hand movement - moving good &
4 - practice breathing - she said that normally this isn't one that they can capture (because they typically do it for a bout 30 seconds every half hour or so), but our little man was showing out today. The Dr was really pleased... We could see his little ribs moving in and out --- he was practicing like a champ!
All of this really gave me, Joey & the Dr the reassurance we needed that little Levi is doing just fine. Evidently he is fairly happy living inside my belly! His heart rate was good too --- about 144 beats a minute.
So - since there aren't any signs of labor at this point, we did make a "plan" to induce if needed. That will be on the evening of August 5th - but that's just in case. He could very well decide to come at any point between now an then. Also the 5th is not definite. If on the 5th, we are thinking that we don't want to induce, then we can do another check up and see how things are looking and possibly wait a little bit longer. But - we feel like he will be sometime between now and then.
Joey is on the phone right now with a Wayne Dog (a friend of his in Pensacola) & he just said "I'm ready for him to be here, looking at us, checking everything out!" Joey is the coolest man I know. I cannot express what a great support and source of encouragement he is.
Speaking of Wayne Dog - Joey says Wayne is loving his new position & we are very proud of him on making the move to take care of his family.
Back to us... :) (because it is all about us - ya know!) Here we are - just relaxing - loving each other & waiting. But like I said - meeting with the Dr today gave us some of the reassurance we needed to know that Levi is doing well.
Sending all our love to our Family in Pensacola - we love & miss you!
(no pictures this time either --- Joey did take some of me yesterday at 40 weeks... Maybe I'll post one this weekend! )
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
no new news
Hello All,
Well, it seems that little Levi is all settled in and comfy inside my belly. I went to the Dr this past Friday for the 39 week checkup. No new progress. She reminded me that with the first child I could very well go past my due date. This was a little discouraging, but I understand it, none the less. I really haven't been uncomfortable, so it isn't a matter wanting to get him out of me. I believe I will miss having him there. .. .. It's more of a matter that we are excited to meet our son.
If Levi hasn't made his appearance into this world by the 3oth (our due date is the 29th), we will have our 40 week checkup then. Joey will go with me to this visit --- the Dr will check the fluids and measure and all that stuff. If everything is okay - then we will just wait another week.
Until then - we will let nature take it's course. I know everyone is excited and curious to know when Levi is going to come & I guess I have to say that your guess is as good as ours. I have let go of the countdown because it is just too hard. Just taking it each day at a time & loving every minute of it.
All our love!
Lacey & Joey
Well, it seems that little Levi is all settled in and comfy inside my belly. I went to the Dr this past Friday for the 39 week checkup. No new progress. She reminded me that with the first child I could very well go past my due date. This was a little discouraging, but I understand it, none the less. I really haven't been uncomfortable, so it isn't a matter wanting to get him out of me. I believe I will miss having him there. .. .. It's more of a matter that we are excited to meet our son.
If Levi hasn't made his appearance into this world by the 3oth (our due date is the 29th), we will have our 40 week checkup then. Joey will go with me to this visit --- the Dr will check the fluids and measure and all that stuff. If everything is okay - then we will just wait another week.
Until then - we will let nature take it's course. I know everyone is excited and curious to know when Levi is going to come & I guess I have to say that your guess is as good as ours. I have let go of the countdown because it is just too hard. Just taking it each day at a time & loving every minute of it.
All our love!
Lacey & Joey
Sunday, July 19, 2009
10 days and counting
Well... Here it is Sunday again ... today was my Momma's birthday & I wish I could have been in Pensacola to share it with her. Happy Birthday Momma - We love you to pieces!!!
We have had a great week and weekend. It was kind of busy weekend, but very good. Friday I went for my 38 week check up. All is good - still no signs of labor.
Saturday, we went out to Karen's house (I have worked with her for the last 6 or 7 years and she recently retired from Qwest). Each year she holds an "open garden"
She lets the public come and view her Day Lilly Garden -- I believe proceeds go to the Cat Care Society. She had over 4000 verities and it truly was amazing to see. Here are a couple of pictures from the day.
Here are a couple of cats that she has too... She has many!!!
This one looks like he is thinking "What are YOU looking at?"
This one just kills me...
Joey was really liking this cat. He never really moved ... Just hung out. Very cool.
Now here's a picture of us... Me with my full on 38 week and 2 day belly!!!
--- it was pretty warm this day, but it couldn't have a better day for doing this sort of thing.
Next on our Saturday excursion, we decided since we were already out in the boonies that we would stop in and see John, Bethany & Ian. We just dropped in on them ... we are really happy they were home... Here's a picture of their cute little guy (Ian).... J & B hope it was okay to post this on OUR blog!!!
It's like he's saying "yeah, I guess I'll drive" --- he's too sweet. I think he is about as old as we are pregnant! A nice little buddy for Levi when he gets here.
Next - it was on to the R/C track. We haven't been there in a long time. But since we were on that side of town, it was nice to drop in. Here's a picture Joey took from the drivers stand.
Next we went by a couples house that had a gift for Levi all the way from Nebraska. This lady that I have talked to only over the phone for the past 6 or 7 years had sent a gift for Levi. How sweet... Thanks Kathy!
We then proceeded to have a late lunch and go home and work our butts off. I worked in the basement on filing a couple of large stacks of papers that we had accumulated (not nesting... just doing some stuff that needed to be done) Joey worked in the garage and got his 1971 Honda CB350 motorcycle runnin'
I have video of him on it, but don't know how to post it here. --- well - let me take that back. Joey just showed me how! Thanks baby!!! Which reminds me. We purchased a video camera this past week & we have been having fun with it. We take little videos here and there and we always commentate like we are talking to little Levi.
Today, we got up, went to breakfast (yummy) then went to the book store. My cousin Autumn had recommended "On Becoming Baby Wise" So we picked it up. Thanks Autumn. We then went to see The Hangover. I am ashamed to say that I laughed out loud a lot!!! It really was very funny!
We came home and I read the first two chapters of the book out loud to Joey. He paid good attention & was able to answer the questions at the end of each chapter! I've got a great husband - for sure!!!
Later, we went to Walmart and bought some groceries that I hope will last a little while. We got some things that will be easy to prepare for when our little bundle decides to make his entrance into this world and come home!!! Joey made a fabulous dinner of baked chicken, grean beans and stuffing! I really appreciated him taking on dinner as I was really tired from a long weekend of going and going!
I am just so thankful that I am still able to go. I know many women end up not being able to do much by this time. I do have swelling in my feet that doesn't go down at night anymore, but my blood pressure is good, so the swelling isn't a concern for my Dr. so not really a concern for me. As you could see from the picture of us above, I am pretty big these days, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love feeling little Levi move inside my belly. He is gentle and sweet. I think I may miss it, but understand that he'll be outside for me to snuggle and love and then Joey can share in the goodness too. It is still exciting for Joey to feel my belly when Levi is moving. He talks to Levi pretty regular and I think it is amazing!
Oh!! Joey's Sister Tammie sent some pictures from the Family shower! Tammie - thanks so much. Here are a couple of those that she sent.
who knows what I am doing here ...
Here's me and Joey's Momma - Mary! I am looking at another camera I think!

Thanks Tammie - I really appreciate you sending all that you did! You are good to us!!!
Okay - so I have probably rambled enough & I am getting sleepy. Thanks to all for checking in on our blog! You should leave us a little note from time to time and let us know that someone checks this out!
Oh --- we will try to update this as soon as Levi comes so that everyone will know. But be patient with us, as we will all probably be exhausted!
We love and miss all of our family in Pensacola! -- Friends too! And for those of you in Colorado -- give us a call some time!
We have had a great week and weekend. It was kind of busy weekend, but very good. Friday I went for my 38 week check up. All is good - still no signs of labor.
Saturday, we went out to Karen's house (I have worked with her for the last 6 or 7 years and she recently retired from Qwest). Each year she holds an "open garden"
Here are a couple of cats that she has too... She has many!!!
Now here's a picture of us... Me with my full on 38 week and 2 day belly!!!
Next on our Saturday excursion, we decided since we were already out in the boonies that we would stop in and see John, Bethany & Ian. We just dropped in on them ... we are really happy they were home... Here's a picture of their cute little guy (Ian).... J & B hope it was okay to post this on OUR blog!!!
Next - it was on to the R/C track. We haven't been there in a long time. But since we were on that side of town, it was nice to drop in. Here's a picture Joey took from the drivers stand.
Next we went by a couples house that had a gift for Levi all the way from Nebraska. This lady that I have talked to only over the phone for the past 6 or 7 years had sent a gift for Levi. How sweet... Thanks Kathy!
We then proceeded to have a late lunch and go home and work our butts off. I worked in the basement on filing a couple of large stacks of papers that we had accumulated (not nesting... just doing some stuff that needed to be done) Joey worked in the garage and got his 1971 Honda CB350 motorcycle runnin'
Today, we got up, went to breakfast (yummy) then went to the book store. My cousin Autumn had recommended "On Becoming Baby Wise" So we picked it up. Thanks Autumn. We then went to see The Hangover. I am ashamed to say that I laughed out loud a lot!!! It really was very funny!
We came home and I read the first two chapters of the book out loud to Joey. He paid good attention & was able to answer the questions at the end of each chapter! I've got a great husband - for sure!!!
Later, we went to Walmart and bought some groceries that I hope will last a little while. We got some things that will be easy to prepare for when our little bundle decides to make his entrance into this world and come home!!! Joey made a fabulous dinner of baked chicken, grean beans and stuffing! I really appreciated him taking on dinner as I was really tired from a long weekend of going and going!
I am just so thankful that I am still able to go. I know many women end up not being able to do much by this time. I do have swelling in my feet that doesn't go down at night anymore, but my blood pressure is good, so the swelling isn't a concern for my Dr. so not really a concern for me. As you could see from the picture of us above, I am pretty big these days, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love feeling little Levi move inside my belly. He is gentle and sweet. I think I may miss it, but understand that he'll be outside for me to snuggle and love and then Joey can share in the goodness too. It is still exciting for Joey to feel my belly when Levi is moving. He talks to Levi pretty regular and I think it is amazing!
Oh!! Joey's Sister Tammie sent some pictures from the Family shower! Tammie - thanks so much. Here are a couple of those that she sent.

Thanks Tammie - I really appreciate you sending all that you did! You are good to us!!!
Okay - so I have probably rambled enough & I am getting sleepy. Thanks to all for checking in on our blog! You should leave us a little note from time to time and let us know that someone checks this out!
Oh --- we will try to update this as soon as Levi comes so that everyone will know. But be patient with us, as we will all probably be exhausted!
We love and miss all of our family in Pensacola! -- Friends too! And for those of you in Colorado -- give us a call some time!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
6/23/09 - Work Baby Shower (33 photos), by Lacey Hardwick

Here's the link that I mentioned below... I am not so computer savvy - so I wasn't able to figure out how to put in directly in the post. Should be pretty simple, but wasn't working for me.
Happy 4th & Levi Update
Hey everybody!
I do hope that everyone had a fabulous 4th of July. We sure did. We were mostly lazy, but in the afternoon we grilled us up some burgers and corn on the cob and it was all de'lish!

Later in the evening we headed out ... going to the BMX track to get a view of the fireworks all around town. The BMX track has about the best view of downtown & other areas where fireworks might be displayed. First - we stopped at the icecream shop and got us some ice cream! Yummy ... next stop - BMX track. No go! The park was closed and no trespassing signs posted all over. Joey finally talked me into being willing to break the law and sneak in.... But first, we went to the conveience store right next door to get some water. As I was walking out, a police officer was walking in - I said "good morning" --- What! I was all paranoid! Joey knew that he was walking in and waited to see my face. I told him - no way, we are not going into that park now!!! I've always gotten caught any time I try to do anything wrong. Just doesn't pay! We just laughed and laughed. Probably one of those had to be there moments.
Anyway - we did end up finding a spot to see fireworks and it was very nice.
Last Wednesday was our 36 week mark. We went to the Dr & saw a little guy (LG) on the screen. No doubt about it - we have a boy coming! Dr says everything seems to be on track. The ultrasound estimated that he is at about 6 lbs 4 oz. It was so nice to see him. It helped to confirm what we thought as far as where he is in my belly (his temporary home). He is head down, and his little but in on the right side of my belly. He moves real regular ... when I am relaxing in the evening is when I notice him the most.
We have spent today being lazy again - except that we did get a list of things together that need to be packed for our hospital bags. Joey is packing his bag now. I have a few things in mine, but it isn't ready. We don't anticipate Levi coming early, but it never hurts to be prepared!!!
The Ladies at work had a baby shower for us on June 23rd - It was very nice. They did an Anne Geddes theme & a diaper cake. It was a very nice get together. I am posting a few pictures from it & then some from the shower that we had in Pensacola. I never really did post any pictures from the Pensacola one. I don't have great pictures from the Pensacola / Family shower, but this is what I have.
Then here is a link to the pictures from the work one.
Please click on the links and it should take you to my facebook photo albums.
My greatest and sincere thanks to everyone at both showers. I know that a ton of work went into putting them together & I loved everyone's company. Thanks to everyone, we are closer to being ready for Levi to get here.
Here's a picture of me at 35 weeks. I'm a little bigger than this today! As of today - we have 3 weeks and 3 days until our due date.
We love all y'all!
I do hope that everyone had a fabulous 4th of July. We sure did. We were mostly lazy, but in the afternoon we grilled us up some burgers and corn on the cob and it was all de'lish!
Later in the evening we headed out ... going to the BMX track to get a view of the fireworks all around town. The BMX track has about the best view of downtown & other areas where fireworks might be displayed. First - we stopped at the icecream shop and got us some ice cream! Yummy ... next stop - BMX track. No go! The park was closed and no trespassing signs posted all over. Joey finally talked me into being willing to break the law and sneak in.... But first, we went to the conveience store right next door to get some water. As I was walking out, a police officer was walking in - I said "good morning" --- What! I was all paranoid! Joey knew that he was walking in and waited to see my face. I told him - no way, we are not going into that park now!!! I've always gotten caught any time I try to do anything wrong. Just doesn't pay! We just laughed and laughed. Probably one of those had to be there moments.
Anyway - we did end up finding a spot to see fireworks and it was very nice.
Last Wednesday was our 36 week mark. We went to the Dr & saw a little guy (LG) on the screen. No doubt about it - we have a boy coming! Dr says everything seems to be on track. The ultrasound estimated that he is at about 6 lbs 4 oz. It was so nice to see him. It helped to confirm what we thought as far as where he is in my belly (his temporary home). He is head down, and his little but in on the right side of my belly. He moves real regular ... when I am relaxing in the evening is when I notice him the most.
We have spent today being lazy again - except that we did get a list of things together that need to be packed for our hospital bags. Joey is packing his bag now. I have a few things in mine, but it isn't ready. We don't anticipate Levi coming early, but it never hurts to be prepared!!!
The Ladies at work had a baby shower for us on June 23rd - It was very nice. They did an Anne Geddes theme & a diaper cake. It was a very nice get together. I am posting a few pictures from it & then some from the shower that we had in Pensacola. I never really did post any pictures from the Pensacola one. I don't have great pictures from the Pensacola / Family shower, but this is what I have.
Then here is a link to the pictures from the work one.
Please click on the links and it should take you to my facebook photo albums.
My greatest and sincere thanks to everyone at both showers. I know that a ton of work went into putting them together & I loved everyone's company. Thanks to everyone, we are closer to being ready for Levi to get here.
Here's a picture of me at 35 weeks. I'm a little bigger than this today! As of today - we have 3 weeks and 3 days until our due date.
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