Joey & I ordered the furniture for Levi's room two Fridays ago. (Thank you Grannie Linda) This past Friday night, they called us at 8:30 pm to let us know that it had arrived. Joey wanted to go pick it up then, I was tired and wanted to wait until daylight but his excitement got the better of me & we took off in Henry and picked it all up. When we got home - he unloaded it into the garage and put the crib box in the new room... We got up Saturday morning - went to a couple of yard sales then came back home and got busy working on the room...
It started off in pieces... But Team Hardwick got it put together and looking like a little boys room in no time. We still have some accessorizing to do, curtains to make & things like that, but that will be done soon. We'll keep you posted!

**remember .. you can always click on a picture to make it bigger. I made the pictures smaller this time so that I could fit more on the post!
I love it. Everything looks great. I especially love the stars on the crib. We can't wait to see it in person.
I'm crazy about the room. Joey, you did a fantastic job with the painting and I know you two decided on the theme and it's so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o appropriate for you both. I love the crib, dresser and bookcase. What a great choice. As always you've come up with something a little unexpected and its so cool. Ya'll are the best. And Levi is going to be even BETTER!!!!!!!!!Love, Momma Linda
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