I'm sure that plenty happened before March, but I'll pick up from there... The first of March, we put an offer in on our first home and we moved in April 19th. This was a big decision for us to make, but with the baby coming and the little bitty house that we were renting, it really was the right move to make (plus it has air conditioning!!!)
Here is a picture of what was going on during moving day...
We now live in Littleton, Colorado and we love our home. It feels cozy comfortable to us & we look forward to having friends and family over (whenever they can make it from Pensacola!) . We are still getting settled in, but it is coming together nicely. You should have seen Joey mowing his own lawn for the first time... Oh! you can! He was very proud... & yes, that is Henry the 61 unibody Ford that Joey picked up towards the end of last year. He has lowered it some and painted it flat black. It's fun.
Our home has a two car garage and if y'all know Joey, you know that just isn't enough. We plan to save up so that we can build a garage in the back yard to serve as a shop for Joey ... He needs space to work on bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, hot rods and anything else you can think of... & I would like to park the cars in the garage. It's a dream, but we're working towards it.
We found out in March that our little child will be a boy. We are so excited about this and have pretty much settled on a name. I'll talk about that more later... For now --- our home has 3 bedrooms - all upstairs. The boys room was light blue on top and dark blue on the bottom with a boarder in the middle that just wasn't going to work for us. It took some time to get the boarder off, but I was able to do it. We decided that we liked the blue, but it needed something else. Earlier, I had purchased a comforter and bumper thing for the baby & so we decided to add some green and brown to the walls to coordinate with the bedding. We had been over to a lady's house that Joey works with for Easter and she showed us a room that she had painted for a daughter that her and her husband hope to adopt eventually. We stole her idea and modified it and came up with this.... Joey did an excellent job & I am so proud of him (what a great daddy already!!!)
Here are before, during and after photos!

There's so much more I could say about the house, but I will leave it at this for now. We are very excited to own our own home and grow a beautiful family in it.
We just got back from Pensacola a week or so ago & had a great time. It was hectic to say the least, but it felt so good so see all of our family and some of our friends (there is never enough
Joey & I got to the beach a couple of times during the week. Both times were very nice. There were schools of rays (Sting rays and eagle rays - we think) in the water so that kept me out. Joey did a little bit of snorkling and found some pretty shells...
Here is a great shot that Joey got of some Eagle Rays playing in the Gulf. Our son got to experience the Gulf of Mexico for the first time during this trip. I got in the water a little bit on the first day, but not after we saw these things in the water!!!
Joey's family had a fish fry for us on our last Saturday in town. It was a great time & I got to finally meet more of Joey's family. Thanks so much to Mary (Joey's Momma), Tammie & Darlene for all of the hard work...& to uncle Bubba for frying the fish. Joey says to say that he loved the cole slaw Momma!
I started this post a few days ago - but didn't get it finished until tonight (Memorial Day). This coming Wednesday, we will be 31 weeks pregnant with 9 weeks to go. The time has really flown by & I have been very blessed with not being sick or miserable. I have had some heart burn, but nothing bad. We have decided his name will be Levi George. George was Joey's Grandfathers name. Levi - just because. We are so looking forward to meeting our son for the first time. I know that Joey is going to be a fantastic father. We look forward to showing him everything for the first time & teaching him things everyday. I worry sometimes about how to do all of this, but I know that we can do it. One day when I was discussing my anxiety with a friend at work she shared with me... The Lord knew our son long before he came to be in my belly & He entrusted Joey and I with him. How amazing is that. Momma has been telling me this all along, sometimes it just takes someone else to drive it home. I always tell Joey that I want him to teach our son how to love me - because if our son grows to love me half as much as Joey loves his Momma, I will be in great shape. How lucky can a girl get!
I am going to stop for now. I will try to be a little more consistent about posting in the future. I have belly photos to post & nursery updates to come. We are considering starting a blog just for baby... what do you think?
We love and miss all of our friends and family back in Pensacola & Milton!
1 comment:
I got a little teary eyed at the end of your post. I honestly, totally, and thoroughly believe that every baby comes into our lives at exactly the right time. Levi is coming here because God chose him for you at this exact moment. I'm so happy and excited for both of you. It is overwhelming and scary to have a newborn baby, but you'll settle into your lives together and life will calm down. Ian can't wait to meet his buddy Levi.
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