Sunday, July 26, 2009

no new news

Hello All,

Well, it seems that little Levi is all settled in and comfy inside my belly. I went to the Dr this past Friday for the 39 week checkup. No new progress. She reminded me that with the first child I could very well go past my due date. This was a little discouraging, but I understand it, none the less. I really haven't been uncomfortable, so it isn't a matter wanting to get him out of me. I believe I will miss having him there. .. .. It's more of a matter that we are excited to meet our son.

If Levi hasn't made his appearance into this world by the 3oth (our due date is the 29th), we will have our 40 week checkup then. Joey will go with me to this visit --- the Dr will check the fluids and measure and all that stuff. If everything is okay - then we will just wait another week.

Until then - we will let nature take it's course. I know everyone is excited and curious to know when Levi is going to come & I guess I have to say that your guess is as good as ours. I have let go of the countdown because it is just too hard. Just taking it each day at a time & loving every minute of it.

All our love!

Lacey & Joey

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