Joey reminded me today that I haven't posted in a while & there are some more things to catch up on. It seems that this posting thing is not as easy to keep up with as I had hoped it would be... I guess you could call me lazy --- or that Joey is always on the cool computer... :) Either case, I am going to try to catch up now.
A couple of weeks ago, Joey put his 1994 Toyota 4wd pickup on Craigslist asking for a trade. He said he was looking for an old car or truck. He got all sorts of offers ranging from a Suzuki DR650 enduro converted to super moto motorcycle to a Mazda Miata to a motor home ... finally his dream offer came in ... a 1961 Ford F100 Unibody. Joey has all sorts of plans for this truck & it fits him perfect.... just his style
... 'cept he wants to slam it down on the ground, add some whitewalls & pant it flat black... here is it now --- before he gets ahold of it. We'll keep you posted on the progress! Here is a picture that I did some stuff to to make it look like it may have been taken way back when the truck was new.
Now --- On to the bicycles. Joey recently met up with a guy that decided he was getting out of the cruiser business. Joey picked up all sorts of frames ( including a tandem cruiser), parts, wheels & rims from this guy. Our garage is slammed full now, but he has gotten a few of them put together, customized Joe2 Customs style. Here are a couple of them.

Then there are these... His friend John has his eye on the aluminum one & I was eyeballing the brown frame, but the way it's made, the seat sits too far back & I can barely reach the pedals. It doesn't look all stretched out, but it is!!!
We had a real nice weekend this past weekend. John & Jess were going to come over, but John had been sick during the week and we told him to stay home because we don't need me getting sick. So ... Matt & Dianah came over both Saturday & Sunday. We enjoyed their company both days. I tried a new recipe on them and it turned out pretty good. I made these Cajun fried pasta things and they were a hit.
Joey & I also went to Wash Park for a little walk on Sunday -- very nice day ... and guess what! --- The squirrel whisperer was back in action! Joey really is a brave one. The ducks were cool too... They were doing synchronized diving for us...
Let's see ... In other news --- Our Dr. Apt has been pushed out to December 30th. I am doing well & we are still so very excited.
Finally --- The Bucs are playing right now and I am missing it... So - I am going to sign off now & help Joey root for the Bucs. Looks like they might be needing it.
I know this post is really long & I am sorry for that. I will try to be better about posting more frequently .... in the mean time, let us know that you drop by sometime - leave us a little note. We don't know if anyone looks at this besides Bethany... And Bethany - we appreciate you!
Hello & and we miss you (all y'all in Pensacola, Milton, Jacksonville & beyond!)